If one ever drives through downtown Shreveport, especially in the early mornings, late evenings and/or the weekends, it is quite apparent that a large number of people seemingly “live” in vacant storefronts, on public properties and in alleys.
Unfortunately well-intended efforts to feed these individuals and to give them pocket change has not helped this reality, only exacerbated it.
The Long Range Planning Committee of the Caddo Commission will address this issue in its meeting on Monday, 16 October at noon. The meeting will be in the council chambers at government plaza on Travis Street.
A representative from HOPE Connection has been invited by committee chairman Mario Chavez. Reportedly Commission president Stephen Jackson has also invited speakers.
The meeting is open to the public and hopefully individuals from agencies with resources to assist these downtown “folk” will attend. Anyone can address the committee on the homeless/transient issue as well as public restrooms.
Public interest in this issue has become heightened after the release of a video from Sheriff Prator of public defecation on the courthouse grounds and a subsequent proposal to install a public restroom by the courthouse.
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