It's a political axiom that the top elected official gets the blame when things go south. The same is true in the military and in Fortune 500 companies.
As reported by Inquisitor editor Danny Lawler last week, the Shreveport murder count as of Tuesday, November 21 was forty-five.
"Justified" homicides, considered to be self defense, was six. (Sources question this classification, stating the true murder rate through that date was forty-eight).
Since then there has been another murder and another homicide which will probably be deemed “justified.”
Ollie Tyler was sworn into office in December 2014.
She has had two police chiefs during her term.
As mayor she can ask for a resignation from the Shreveport Police chief at any time, without reason.
Tyler has not asked Caddo Sheriff Steve Prator for law enforcement assistance. Nor has she called on the Louisiana State Police.
Tyler was the director of Caddo Middle Schools and deputy superintendent from 1994- 2000. She then served as Caddo School Superintendent from 2003-2007.
Crime is often the product of socio-economic factors. Poorly educated students are most often the perpetrators of crime. Many of these were in Caddo schools while Tyler was in leadership positions.
And as far as jobs, Shreveport has had a significant job loss during Tyler’s tenure. Unemployment no doubt contributes to criminal activity.
Tyler's prior leadership in Caddo public education and the relationship of Caddo's poorly graded public schools can not be denied.
Likewise, she can not deny the synergy between crime and public education.
And the same is true with the lack of meaningful jobs in Shreveport.
As mayor she is ultimately responsible for Shreveport's crime rate. Tyler needs to acknowledge and accept this fact if she is considering a bid for re-election next fall.
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