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Will Millennial's Decide Shreveport's Next Mayor?

Like it or not, the answer is probably yes.

Millennials are loosely defined as those that have reached adulthood, i.e. age 18, in the early 21st century.

Most say that a millennial is 36 or younger. For sure, all agree that this crowd is 40 and under.

Traditionally these “young adults” are not that involved in local politics. And sometimes not even in state or national elections. This means that many do not vote.

But the mayor’s race this year has been different from all the others. This goes back to the start of the mayor council form of government in 1978.

This year the race featured, as the main candidates, three senior citizens. And two under 35.

To his credit, Adrian Perkins has energized this voter block. At least he did in the November 6 primary.

Whether he can get them out next Saturday December 8 is the $64 question.

That and who the disenchanted Republicans will vote for since both Perkins and incumbent mayor Ollie Tyler are Democrats.

Republican generally vote in high percentages.

The Secretary of State run off election features a Republican. Three of the four city council run off elections also feature Republicans.

But back to the millennials and the upcoming Saturday election.

Who knows how many family activities, as in kids sports and birthday parties, will be on Saturday.

Add to that visits to Santa, Christmas bazaars and actual “in store” shopping.

Plus the normal Saturday drill of grocery store, haircuts and beauty parlors, and picking up the cleaning much less gassing up the family cars.

Weather is always a guessing game in Shreveport this time of year.

Whether the kiddos will be bundled up like Eskimos or wearing their shorts and sandals is generally not known until that morning.

Don’t forget the remaining college football games for sports die hards and the open hunting seasons.

Bottom line, the millennials have plenty of distractions to keep them away from the polls. If they are even interested in going.

The smart money says that once again they will show up.

Probably in lesser numbers, as in all age categories of run-off voters. But expect their percentage as compared to those over 40 to be the same as in the primary—and maybe higher.

(This article was published in The Inquisitor on Friday, November 30, 2018)