The special use permit approved for this controversial liqour store location included the following stipulations:
a. hours of operation of 8 a.m. to 12 midnight;
b. closure of the westernmost driveway;
c. extension of the sidewalk and landscaping (shrubbery) from Gilbert Drive across the former driveway and in the unmaintained area next to the eastern driveway;
d. irrigation of all landscaping on the site;
e. repair of the deteriorated sections of all fencing on the site;
f. approval of any new signage on the location;
g. assurance that the dumpster enclosure is maintained and in proper working order.
The special use permit, and any requirements for the site plan, are subject to review and amendment by the Shreveport city council as a part of the approval/disapproval process.
The council will review this special use permit at its work session today (Monday) at 3 p.m.
Unless delayed the vote to approve/disapprove will be at the regular council meeting on Tuesday
at 3 p.m.
The MPC Staff report is below: