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The December 6 issues of The Inquisitor had a special 8-page section on the proposed Cross Bayou Point development. The current (December 13) issue has a 6-page special section.

Here are questions submitted by readers and more are invited. Hopefully these will be answered by the developers. This list has been sent to them.

1. What would be the impact on the Shreveport central business district if the Caddo courthouse was moved to Fannin Street?

2. What would become of the Caddo courthouse , and the Confederate Monument, if the courthouse was moved?

3. Why do the developers believe a professional soccer team would be successful when all other sports franchises in Shreveport— with the exception of the Shreveport Mudbugs (who made a comeback after a several year hiatus) will be successful?

4. What would be the rent and other key terms of the proposed lease of a new state office building ?

5. What would be the rent and other key terms of the proposed lease of a new courthouse?

6. What controls would the city have over the actual development of the 88 acres desired by the developers?

7. What would happen to all 88 acres and any development on this tract if the project ultimately failed?

8. Other than the jobs needed to construct the proposed state office building and the Justice Center, what permanent jobs would be created by the first phase of the development? The courthouse employees and state office building employees would ostensibly stay the same and the construction jobs are temporary in nature.

9. The 1996 bond issue was for parks and green space along Cross Bayou. How much of the 88 acres will be devoted to parks and green space?

10. Do the developers have any commitments for a charter school, specifically the Caddo Parish School Board?

11. Is the city expected to sell for $1, lease or donate the requested 88 acres to the developers? And if a donation is requested is that a legal transaction?

12. Shreveport has been losing population for many years. Where do the developers expect 5000 (or more) new residents for the development to move to Cross Bayou.

13. Is there a market for $400,000 condos in Shreveport?

14. If the city "assembles"(the term utilized by the developers with no further explanation) the 88 acres and the development never happens, or is not fully developed as advertised, what happens then? Is the city reimbursed or the property reacquired) by the city?

15. What will be audience for any planned retail establishments?

16. The term "affordable housing" is utilized in the presentation materials that is to be combined with senior housing. What does "affordable" really mean in this context and is it compatible with "senior housing", whatever that means?

17. The state office building on Fairfield does not currently support retail establishments. Why would it do so if moved to Fannin Street?

18. The courthouse employees barely support retail establishments now. Why would this change if the courthouse was moved to Fannin Street?

19. Saber Real Estate North, the construction developer, touts several multi-use/mixed use developments in the northeast and down the east coast in areas that have growing populations and/or bedroom communities. Is this track record applicable to this area?

These questions appeared in the December 13 issue of The Inquisitor

These questions have been mailed to the members of Gateway Development Consortium, LLC. Their responses will be published in The Inquisitor if and when received.