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John came to Shreveport in January of 1977 when he was transferred to Barksdale AFB.

He’s been active in Shreveport politics since deciding to make Shreveport his home.

John practiced law for 40 years and he now monitors local politics. He regularly attends Shreveport City Council and Caddo Parish Commission meetings.

John is published weekly in The Inquisitor, bi-monthly in The Forum News, and frequently in the Shreveport Times.

He enjoys addressing civic groups on local government issues and elections.


What will be the cost to Shreveport and Bossier City for LED lighting of Texas St. Bridge? Response to September 22 Article:


SPAR Director

 In 1994 the City of Shreveport and City of Bossier City along with the Shreveport Regional Arts Council presented the community with an unprecedented gift, an artist- designed neon lit bridge. 

The Long/Allen Bridge, known in the vernacular as the “Texas Street Neon Bridge”, has served as an iconic symbol for our region.  It has drawn visitors to the area, appeared in movies and served as the back-drop for events such Miss USA pageants, Independence Bowls and Bass Master competitions.  The bridge has appeared in countless publications and was noted on national television shows. 

The “neon bridge” brought local, regional and national recognition to our communities until the neon lights were removed to prepare for the rehab and maintenance of the bridge. 

Once the lights were removed, there was a push for another signature project that could transform the bridge the way the neon lights did. Thus began the planning and research for a unique project.  The research yielded that the re-lighting of the Texas Street Bridge should be done in programmable LED light that is long-lasting, less expensive to operate and maintain, and offers earned income opportunities.  The estimated cost to light the Texas Street Bridge in programmable LED Light is $2,025,000 with an anticipated “reveal” by July 2021. 

The project was jump-started by a private sector donor, Dr. George Bakowski and his wife, Sandra, as a legacy gift to thank the people of Shreveport and Bossier who supported his long-term career as an optometrist with a successful business, Vision One Optical.  Dr. Bakowski’s $1million donation was the catalyst to pursue both public and private donors to help fund the programmable LED light project. 

At the request of both Shreveport Mayor Adrian Perkins and Bossier City Mayor Lorenz Walker, the Red River Waterway Commission and Louisiana Public Service Commission are partnering to re-light the Texas Street Bridge as the “Bakowski Bridge of Lights.”  The Downtown Development Authority and private sector philanthropist Will Atkins have also contributed toward the programming of the bridge lights.

The cooperative endeavor agreement that city councils for both cities are being asked to approve outlines the terms of the Red River Waterway Commission’s support of the project.  The agreement outlines that their $1million commitment was for the construction/installation of the LED lights and other related equipment.  The agreement clarifies that their funding is not to be used for ongoing maintenance and operation.

The goal of the cities and the Shreveport Regional Arts Council from the beginning was to raise funds from donations or earned income to design, install, operate and maintain the LED- lit Texas Street Bridge.  Fortunately, the private sector donation has provided funding for the design and development of the project.  The design professionals are currently working to obtain all necessary permits, licenses and rights of way/rights of use for the project from the Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development.  The successful bidder for construction/installation of the project will be required to provide and maintain the proper insurance.

 Addressing the long-term maintenance for the Texas Street Bridge was always at the forefront of the development of this project. LED lights are renowned for their durability, longevity and energy efficiency.  The lighting project includes a five-year warranty and an inventory of lights for an additional five-year period.  These LED products have less than 1% failure rate over the life of the installation.

To ensure funding for long-term maintenance, programming and expansion opportunities are provided, the programmable LED Texas Street Bridge will generate “earned income.”  Citizens and visitors will be able to “rent” the lights to celebrate special events such as an engagement, wedding, anniversary, graduation, high school football victory, birthday tribute or a baby gender reveal announcement.  There will be opportunities to “Program the Lights” Much like in the days of the “juke box”, people can select the pattern of light and assign specific colors to customize a “light show” on the bridge. The earned income through personalized “light show rentals” and “DIY programming of the colors” will be dedicated to the maintenance and programming of the bridge after the first 10 years of the bridge warranty and supplies for operation.

Finally, the Shreveport Regional Arts Council, City of Shreveport and Bossier City leadership continue to seek additional funding to ensure that the Texas Street Bridge with the “Bakowski Bridge of Lights” can be consistently programmed with new light shows that are uniquely created by local artists and community members who will have the opportunity to submit design ideas that are programmed by the artists.  The goal is to introduce a new light pattern every month, creating a collection of programmed light presentations that continue to draw citizens, visitors and attract other events along the Shreveport-Bossier Riverfront for fun, festivity and economic development.