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Open Saturday, June 20 through Saturday, July 4

(Closed Sundays, June 21 and June 28)

8:30 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. each day

Registered Democrats and Republicans are eligible for the Presidential Preference Primary. There is a Municipal Election for the town of Greenwood, which all voters are eligible. Voters should bring proof of identification such as a driver’s license, government ID, etc. 

During the early voting period before elections, you may cast your ballot at the Registrar of Voters office at 525 Marshall Street in downtown Shreveport.  The hours are 830am until 6pm daily except on Sundays.

Due to the COVID pandemic, we have made adjustments in our procedures to promote public health and safety.  These adjustments do not and will not affect your actual vote, but only impact your entry and movement throughout the building. They are in place only to promote general health and safety for all.

The first thing you will notice is the request to practice social distancing and masking outside while lined up to enter the building.

We ask that masks are worn when entering the building. Your first stop will be at the security station where your temperature will be checked by Sheriff’s deputies.

You will then be directed to a staff person who will ask you to place your identification card in a plastic bag provided to you.  You will be directed to turn off your cell phone and sanitize your hands before entry into the voting area.

Upon entry into the voting area, you will be in a controlled environment where your movement will be directed by members of the staff.  Your first stop will be at a check in station where your information will be verified…

You will then be given a computer card and directed to a voting machine to cast your ballot.

After casting your vote, you will drop off the card with a poll commissioner, sanitize your hands and exit following staff direction.

Note that all stations will be sanitized between voters.  We also provide specific assistance to senior citizens and those with certain physical or other limitations.