On Oct. 13 the Shreveport city council will vote on a resolution to authorize Shreveport Mayor Adrian Perkins to execute a Cooperative Endeavor Agreement (CEA) for fund a disparity study.
The other parties to the CEA are the Caddo Parish School Board (CPSB), Caddo Parish and the Caddo-Bossier Parishes Port Commission (Port).
Funding for the study will be $150,000 from the city of Shreveport, $100,000 from Caddo Parish, and $50,000 from the Port.
Why the school board gets a free ride is the $64,000 question.
The CPSB gets the lion's share of parish ad valorem taxes.
The CPSB enrollment has declined again this year.
The CPSB had cost savings from the COVID pandemic. School buses did not run for several weeks and a full school buses routes have not been started.
The CPSB has over a 100 full time qualified teacher positions that are now being filled by less paid temporary teachers.
Hopefully the Shreveport city council will request that Caddo Superintendent Dr. Goree attend the meeting and explain the "empty pockets" excuse.