The Caddo Commission is reviewing a proposed Tax Incentive Financing (TIF) district for an area on North Market that stretches from the Amazon fulfillment center to Martin Luther King Drive. A vote may be taken at the Commission's meeting on Thurs. (Oct. 7).
Unlike other TIFS in Louisiana, the TIF district is very expansive with many diverse land uses and no centralized planning agency. As proposed the Caddo Commission will be the funding agency for moneys generated by the TIF.
This TIF will set a base line on ad valorem property taxes within the district. Additional taxes collected over and above the baseline will be directed to the TIF for economic development.
The proposal anticipates that the Caddo Parish School Board (CPSB), the Caddo Sheriff and the city of Shreveport will join in the TIF. In this event,
TIF moneys generated by the Caddo Parish School millage will be directed to Caddo schools as decided by the Commission. The same with Shreveport city ad valorem taxes generated by the TIF and the same with the Sheriff's taxes.
So why would the city of Shreveport allow the Commission to determine the expenditure of city ad valorem tax revenue for a small area within one council district? The same can be asked to the CPSB?
Good government practices provide that the spending of tax dollars should be determined by the taxing authority or a designated agency that has representation from the taxing authority. This means the city council should decide how its tax revenues are expended just like the school board unless an independent agency is established with city and school board representation.