James Flurry resigned as the council representative for District E.
Nine candidates applied for the position. They were interviewed by the council on Thursday, Dec. 2.
The deadline for selection by the council is on or before Dec. 13.
The council could decide at its work session on that day or call a special meeting. (This was not known at the Thursday press deadline.)
The individuals who applied are Chandler Douglas, Tamika Fredieu, Jon Glover, Durwood Hendricks, Kenny Houston, Matt Kay, Lawrence Lane, Alvin Oliver and Gregory Lynn Williams.
The council clerk should check the following on each of these candidates:
a. registered voter or not;
b. is registered voter address in the district?
c. if residence address is different from registered voter address, is it in the district?
d. if registered voter address differs from residence address and one is not in the district, additional inquiry as to the candidate's domicile;
e. any prior felony convictions.
Other factors that the council could consider are:
1. voting record in last five years;
2. civic involvement in last five years;
3. employment in last five years;
4. number of years a Shreveport resident;
5 number of years a resident of the district;
6. any unpaid judgements or liens.
The person selected will serve the balance of Flurry's term, which ends Dec. 31, 2022.
The election for the new District E representative is the November 2022 primary with a possible December 2022 runoff.