John Settle
By: Anonymous Reader of SettleTalk
The City is trying to keep Cindie's and Hustler Hollywood from operating .. shutting all locations down immediately.
Funny how this works. It's one way for one but not the same for all. They pick and choose the games they play.
So, that's the loss of a tax base and the employees there all get to lose their jobs as well. Merry Christmas by the way.
The Cindy's locations have been in business for many years. They are, in fact, no different than say, a Spencer's or Victoria Secret .. only Cindy's does not allow minors and the others do. The permit is for retail as you buy your products, it is put in a bag, and you obtain a receipt. There are no shows, no dancers, and nothing sexually is ever permitted on premises.
They were listed as retail but the city argues they are a sexually oriented business (as if they had no clue what they were about! Besides, it comes back on the city! They approved it!)
*** Well .. get this. This permitting could have spelled disaster.
The short-lived Hookah Lounge was over-capacity night after night. Videos of the club show a packed crowd complete with fire dancing. No Fire Marshal would have approved any of that. The building had no fire sprinklers. The seating inside was made of highly combustible polyurethane booths that when burned, breaks down into cyanide. The smoke inhalation would have been deadly, and on a packed night .. a bottle neck would have formed at the door similar to the Station Nightclub fire .. and most would have lost their life. How did that get approved? Technically you had a hookah lounge in a building that never should have been .. that broke every fire code I'm every fire science book .. and its permit had it listed as a 'bar.' So, Tell me how come that new hookah lounge going into Proud Mary's, partly owned by Councilman Jackson .. gets a pass to operate in city-owned real estate, after they were so negligent with the last and lied on their application? How come permitting things correctly only matters when it's not a politician involved in its ownership? An inferno hurts worse than dildos and that's a fact.
Permits and rules?! Take the spot downtown that burned. He had 30 days to tear down the structure. A wall fell putting club Sandbar in jeopardy. ♂ State Rep owns that. That's alright! He was told to secure that building before it burned. Liz Swayne has spoke about that same situation numerous times. So, has LeVette Fuller. That blaze could have taken the whole block!
But, dirty book stores.
Listen, this isn't those shops first rodeo .. the city is about to get lawsuits from every single one.
This is a scheme to elect a first-running Town Councilman and the 'temporary' shuttering sounds like political favor that will land the city in more lawsuits. How does this city absorb so many? The former Marshal who drowned .. check the 710 keel interview from 2 years ago, where he stated he was suing the city for millions. Drowned in the Gulf of Mexico with his family saying that they strongly belief foul play. Then, buildings burning down with celebratory posts from the parking lot after 26 fire apparatus and a mayday was just called. Her words were 'the lord was going to bless her double for her trouble.'
Acceptance is the last stage of grief. Mind you, according to reports, she left at 12:35am and it was an inferno by 1:05am. That's a very short time. She is an admitted multi-convicted felon from her own fb page. Public record shows she received a PPP Loan with having only 1 employee 9 months out of prison .. and all her previous crimes were things that involved scamming or ripping people off. The politician, Dr. Alan Jackson Jr. Who if you Google search, will see a man also pictured baring striking resemblance .. of an insurance man by the name of Alan Jackson from New Orleans, Louisiana. The Fire Chief is from New Orleans as well. Jazmin Fitzpatrick, the felon who stayed around for the fire, she's from out of Atlanta. Remember the scandal of locally based business, Rock Solid .. harassed and threatened .. so the Atlanta based company could come in? So many favors to so many people. They all seem to be connected in many ways. Dr. Jackson Jr. seems like he might know the Chief. They are both from New Orleans. They are Facebook friends. And, Fire Chief was appointed by Perkins right when that hookah lounge was getting permitted to open.
Bar .. that was what the permit said.
There is crimes and scams everywhere in this city. Gang graffiti and rolling gun battles. A 13-year-old lost her life and they have NEVER found the ones responsible.
I'd rather our kids not see that kind of stuff. They aren't even allowed to go into Cindie's or the Hustler.
I tell you what .. if this city was using my business as a pawn in their political game, I'd be livid.
So, to wrap this up ..
Their caption on Facebook:
' 2020 gave an appetite. 2021 we planned. 2022 we will execute. '
Looks like they did execute.
Building was burned to the ground a few months later.
Planning in this city .. is that.
It's wrong what goes on.
It's plain as day.
Give corruption a pass.
Give them city owned real estate even when they were negligent in their first run!
Give them a permit as a bar! When they were far from it! They lied! But, that doesn't matter! They're in power!
Buildings can collapse and nothing will be done about it.
But those businesses doing a business and not causing problems and providing a tax contribution .. no. It's 'im going to do my buddy a favor and temporarily shut them until after the election.' This is wrong.
Those actually employing people and paying taxes get shut down. While the con artists and deliberate criminals smile, get away with it, and get to run this place.
I'm tired of it. Sick of it in fact.
Town Council Member even flashing gang signs in the photos. Sick of it.
They sat and planned .. and executed. Now, moving into city-owned property after lying on permits that could have killed a lot of people. What they were doing was reckless.
Sparklers burn at 1,800 - 3,200 degrees Fahrenheit. That's burn unit temperatures. Hair products are highly flammable. This .. was allowed. And it's in for a repeat. What about permitting again?
Permitting was listed as a bar for that Hookah Lounge: