Both mayoral candidates have said they want diversity in their key appointments and that city hall should look like Shreveport.
The reality is that city hall is NOT diverse now:
a. the mayor is a black male
b. the mayor's executive assistant and legal advisor are both black females
c. the chief administrative officer is a black male, and the assistant CAO is a black female
d. the chief financial officer is a black male who succeeded a black female in that office
e. the mayor's first city attorney was a black female and now the city attorney is a black male who has two black female assistant city attorneys and one white male assistant city attorney
f. the city council office is staffed totally with black females including the council clerk
g. the fair share director is a black male with a black female assistant
h. the police chief is a black male who succeeded a white male
i. the fire chief is a black male who succeeded a white male
j. the MPC director is a black male who succeeded a white male
k. the property standard director is a black male
l. the SPAR director is a white female
m. the DOWUS director is a white male
n. the public works director is a white male
o. the city engineer is a white male who succeeded a white female
p. the community development director is a black female, and the assistant director is a black female
q. the information technology officer is a white male
r. the risk management director is a black male
s. the public information person is a black female
t. the SPORTRAN director is a black male
u. the airport director is a white male
v. the human resource director a black female
w. the mayor's two economic directors were white males
x. the city's internal auditor is a black female.
This list could probably be expanded.
Of note, none of these key positions are held by an Asian or a Hispanic.
"Diversity" is a good term to be banned in political races that does not reflect reality.