Does publication of mugshots cause harm or benefit public?
Louisiana Representative Royce Duplessis believes that publication of mugshots prior to conviction is prejudicial.
He says publication undermines the presumption of innocent until proven guilty.
How so?
Does the publication of the details of an arrest from a booking entry undermine the presumption of innocence?
If so, how?
Does the posting of a criminal court docket with the names of those arrested undermine this presumption?
If so, how?
Duplessis also says that mugshot publication can be devastating to the reputation of the person who was arrested.
How so?
The fact of the arrest is public record and will be published by the media. How does publication of the mugshot change that ?
Duplessis also says running mugshots prior to conviction is an invasion of privacy.
How so?
Duplessis also says that any public benefit of publishing a mugshot is minimal in comparison to the "harm that COULD be caused" (emphasis added).
How so?
Duplessis states that "there are many examples" of harm caused by mugshot publication.
What are the examples?
What about the harm that could be caused by misidentification of persons with the same names if there are no mugshot to differentiate?
How about the right of the public to see the faces of those arrested? Is this outweighed by the "harm that COULD be caused” (emphasis added)?
This legislation is House Bill 729. It has passed the House of Representatives. It must be approved by the Louisiana Senate to become law.