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Senator Tarver: Stop Game Playing on Mayors Race

In all due respect, your dilly dallying in announcing your intentions on becoming a candidate for Shreveport mayor has gone on too long. 

As in way too long.

You have the funds.

You have the big dog Baton Rouge political consulting firm on stand by.

You have many political IOUs outstanding from local Republicans and Democrats.

You have a large number of political players ready to jump on your band wagon big time.

Whether or not you have “the authority” to run, presumably from your wife, is a personal matter.

Your delay has made for good political  theatre, but the act is getting old, as in very old.

Your public indecision has paralyzed the interest of others who want new leadership at city hall, especially those in the African American community who may jump in the race if you do not.

You have repeatedly stated that you are unhappy with the state of the city in Shreveport and that you want change.

Your posturing , especially if you stay at home on the election, is bolstering the election prospects of the incumbent.

If that’s your goal, you have done a good job. If not, fish or cut bait.

John E. Settle, Jr.