The agenda for the Caddo Commission work session today (Mon.) includes an ordinance to provide funding for a proposed Ronald McDonald house in Shreveport.
The ordinance is a two -reader. This means that the earliest it can be adopted is the Commission's regular meeting on Thurs. July 18.
The ordinance provides that the Commission will appropriate up to $167,000 for three years.
This funding is contingent on monies being raised to support the project from private, non-public resources. Any funding by the Commission will be from the Oil and Gas Fund.
The University of Arkansas Clinton School of Public Service graduate program conducted research for the Ronald Mcdonald Charities Arkansas (RMCA) to determine the need for a Ronald McDonald House in Northwest Louisiana.
The study concluded that this should be a top priority for the RMCA.
The study also indicated an annual economic impact of $1.8 million a year.
Roy Griggs of Griggs Enterprises is spearheading the effort to get a Ronald McDonald House in Shreveport.