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As far as rational decision- making goes, the Shreveport Airport Authority (SAA) continues to defy logic. 

These board member operate as it they rule in a bubble that excludes legal precedents, transparency and accountability. 

The board has now nominated for director of airports a person who is part of a four person staff in a small Colorado town. Small meaning a population of less than 25 thousand.

As is the practice of the board, no information has been publicly released on the board's selection. Maybe the fact that he hails from Homer had significant bearing on his selection.

In the meantime, the Board (and the City of Shreveport) is looking down the barrel of serious allegations by local attorney Allison Jones.  

Jones is one and the same who is representing Ben Hebert in his claims that he was unlawfully terminated by the city and also discriminated against in the selection process for the city's chief financial officer (CFO).

Jones now also represents Stacy Kuba, the airport's interim director.

Kuba has filed a discrimination claim with the Louisiana Commission on Human Rights. This is the first required step before bringing litigation against the SAA and the city.

Kuba claims gender discrimination and retaliation for her complaints of discrimination. 

She stated she was required to assume the duties of the interim  airport director without a corresponding pay increase.

Kuba also says that she was denied a final interview for the position for selection  while the board considered two male applicants.

Kuba's allegations appear to be well-founded. Her attorney Jones is not known to assert frivolous claims.

So now the Board wants to hire a permanent airport director who will have on his staff Kuba.

That step looks  like a recipe for disaster for all involved, which include of course Shreveport residents.