ATTN: Mayor Adrian Perkins, CAO Henry Whitehorn, CFO Kasey Brown
The next meeting of the Heath Care Trust Fund Board is next Wed. Sept. 7 at 3 p.m.
The board is expected to vote for a three tier health insurance plan that will have a major financial impact on city employees and retirees.
A large number of citizens including city employees and city retirees are expected to attend along with the media.
This meeting should be held in the Government Plaza chambers at 500 Travis St.
There is ample room at the horseshoe for all the board members and city officials to be seated.
The microphone system would allow all the comments to be clearly heard.
The chambers are much more accessible to the general public, especially handicapped and senior citizens.
The meeting can be streamed like council meetings. And the recorded version can be posted on the city website.
Transparency is critical , which has not been the case with recent meetings of this board.
Good government will not be served unless those in the city's health insurance plan as well as the general public can easily participate in and view the proceedings of this board at this meeting.