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I seriously question a statement from a spokesman from the Louisiana Secretary of State's office on the incorrect mail in ballots sent to Shreveport voters.

As reported by Gerry May with KTBS, the spokesman downplayed this major debacle saying that some ballots coded incorrectly because of the new council district lines.

This is probably true, but it does NOT address the fact that many voters received ballots that where in the heart of a council district with the wrong council races.

How do you explain voters in Cherokee Park (District A) getting ballots to vote on council candidates in District B?

How do you explain a Spring Lake (District D) getting a ballot to vote in the District E council race?

How do you explain a resident of Linwood Gardens, which is between Cedar Grove and Hyde Park (District D), getting a ballot to vote in the District B council race?

And what about the voters in Western Hills (District G) receiving ballots to vote in District in District A?

None of these examples are voters affected by the change in district lines.

How many voters may have voted incorrectly in a council race? And how will you know?

This is a major snafu, not a minor one.

The Nov. 8 ballot has U.S. Senator, Shreveport mayor, four contested council seats, and eight constitutional amendments, and more.

Voters should remember that many years back a council race was decided by six votes, which means four votes decided the fate of the election.

Very close votes can be expected in the Shreveport mayoral and council elections.

Readers of this column are urged to share it with others, post on FB and other social media outlets.

And votes who received an inaccurate ballot are encouraged to contact me. I will NOT reveal your name. or text 318 422-2022
