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Lieutenant Donnie Laney
Caddo Parish Sheriff’s Office
505 Travis Street
Shreveport, LA 71101

January 18, 2023

Dear Lieutenant Laney,
The Caddo Parish Administrator, Dr. Woodrow Wilson and myself have been directed by Commissioners to, in the interest of public safety, ensure that Mr. John Settle be prohibited from attending Caddo Parish Commission meetings. Mr. Settle has threatened Commissioners, regularly makes outbursts from his seat during the meeting, violates posted restricted area notices regularly, made comments that staff and commissioners intentionally uncomfortable, and his provocations have led to multiple physical confrontations in recent years both in and outside the chamber.

Should Mr. Settle attempt to attend a meeting of the Caddo Parish Commission, please provide him with a copy of this letter as documentation the Caddo Parish Commission Clerk, as directed by the Caddo Parish Commission through its President, has requested Mr. Settle not be permitted to attend public meetings of the Caddo Commission in person. Should he have questions, he is welcomed to contact our office at (318)226-6596.

The chance that Mr. Settle’s behavior could escalate and put Commissioners, staff, citizens, guests and others at risk is too significant to ignore and we appreciate your assistance in keeping our public meetings safe and accessible for the public. Thank you for your assistance in this matter and please feel free to contact my office with any questions that you may have or additional information you may need.

Jeff Everson
Clerk for the Caddo Parish Commission with approval from

Roy Burrell
Caddo Commission President
Cc: captain Darwin Jones