Tomorrow the Caddo Commission will meet at 3:30 p.m. for its regular meeting. Caddo Commissioner Roy Burrell has a resolution on the agenda for a second reading and vote that should be seriously questioned by the other Commission members.
Burrell's resolution is to nominate a person to be appointed by the Governor to the Red River Waterway Commission (Commission). Not surprisingly, Burrell did not seek input from other commissioners in nominating one of his acquaintances.
Presently Caddo Parish has two residents on the Commission--attorney Ron Lattier and Versa Clark.
Reportedly Burrell, who previously served on the Commission, wants Lattier replaced for some unknown reason. Burrell is well-known for harboring political grudges. Many of his actions on the Commission have reflected the same during his almost five years of service.
Louisiana law, specifically Revised Statute 34:2303, provides only two instances in which the Caddo Commission is to make recommendations to the Governor. The first is when a commissioner's term is to end. The second is when a commissioner's seat becomes vacant for any reason.
Lattier's term ends in July 2027. He has not resigned his position. Thus, there is no vacancy in that seat.
At a meeting Burrell criticized Lattier for not appearing at a Commission meeting as a basis for his resolution.
Versa Clark's term ends in Jan. of next year. Burrell has not made any public statement regarding the replacement of Clark.
If the majority of the Commissioners want to replace Clark, then nominations should be solicited from all of the Commissioners. Burrell has no authority for his unilateral and unjustified nomination.
Both Lattier and Clark have regularly attended Commission meetings and have diligence in their Commission responsibilities.
Petty political game playing by Burrell is certainly not a basis to approve his resolution tomorrow.