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The Shreveport City Council had a special meeting yesterday (Thurs.) to put on the April ballot a tax millage renewal that had expired.
When Mayor Arceneaux introduced the measure he stated it was NOT an increase in ad valorem taxes.
The wording of the ordinance has raised questions on whether it is an increase.
Ken Antee is the bond attorney on this proposal. When asked if this was a tax increase, he replied as follows:
"It is NOT an increase from the mills that were in effect for 2021 or 2022.  The.01 mills increase referred to is the increase that was done by prior councils when they “rolled up”the mills to keep the same revenue as a couple of years ago.  The voters approved a 1.12 mills in 2018 that ran through 2022.  Sometime between 2018 and 2022 the council approved the .01 increase which brought the total mills to 1.13 which was collected last year and will be collect this year.  The amount that would be approved would be the same 1.13 mills that is currently in effect.
The easy answer to your constituents is “In 2021 and 2022 you paid 1.13 mills.  In 2023 you will pay 1.13 mills.
If you have any questions give me a call.
Kenneth R. Antee, Jr.