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The Downtown Development Authority is aware of the social media videos taken in the Downtown ‘Club District’ and the shooting in the 700 block of Cotton Street.

We have been in contact with the Shreveport Police Department, City Administration, the City Council and others about both situations.

We will work to partner in whatever way that we can to assist SPD in the shooting investigation.

Regarding the general mayhem in the club district videos, we have asked city officials to consider the underlying reasons persons coming downtown believe these actions are acceptable. We have asked the City to leave all options on the table when dealing with a variety of noise ordinance, alcohol ordinance, public nuisance, and other potential violations and to be willing to work to revoke alcohol licenses of any business encouraging such activity.

The DDA will encourage and support any legal and responsible ways to improve both the feeling of safety and actual safety of our beautiful and historic city center.

**Liz Swaine is out of the DDA office this week and is only sporadically in cell range. She will try to respond as quickly as she gets your message.