Bloom at Bossier suffered a power outage as did many facilities in this area.
This assisted living facility did NOT have an emergency generator.
This facility did NOT have emergency lighting.
This facility has two floors.
With no electricity the elevators were not operable.
Thus, access to the second floor was only by stairs.
Family and church members of the residents were notified that they could come pick up their relatives and friends if they desired to move them to cooled locations.
Assistance was NOT provided to those in wheelchairs that had to be moved from the second floor.
State Senator Robert Mills made an inquiry to the Louisiana Department of Health (LDH) regarding emergency generators. Mills was advised that generators are NOT required for this facility.
These facilities ARE required to have an emergency plan on file with LDH. Whether or not Bloom has a plan on file is yet to be determined.
How well other assisted living facilities and nursing homes were prepared is unknown at this time to this writer.
Input is appreciated and will be reported as available. Please email or text me with information ---318 422-2022. Names will NOT be revealed in further reports.