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Caddo commissioner Steven Jackson is the chair of the Commission's Juvenile Justice Committee.

Other committee members are Steffon Jones, Mario Chavez, Stormy Gage-Watts, John Paul Young, Ron Cathron and Commission president Roy Burrell.

The committee has a meeting tomorrow (Thurs.) at noon.

The agenda includes:

-adoption of committee rules.

-discuss juvenile space emergency contingency plan.

-update on Children and Youth Planning Board appointments.

-discuss Investigative technical assistance.

-discussion of appropriations for social worker for juvenile court.

-clarify language listed in the upcoming millage and other related details.

All this is important stuff and Jackson as chair will determine who gets to speak and when.

Jackson loves to hear himself talk at Commission meetings and in the past, he has been overbearing, insulting and manipulative at meetings.

So much for good prospects of a well-run, constructive meeting tomorrow.

Last year Jackson agreed to a permanent restraining order to not stalk or contact a Caddo female and/or her young child.

This year Jackson plead guilty in a Benton court to false impersonation of a law enforcement order.

Jackson has never met a TV camera that he did not embrace and frequently utilizes his commission seat to gain publicity, which he hopes will help his fall campaign for a seat in the legislature.

The question is should Jackson be the poster child for the Commission on juvenile justice matters?

Should Jackson be the face of the Commission that is seeking the approval of a new ad valorem tax millage in the Oct election?

Should Jackson be removed as chair by President Burrell who appointed him or by a vote of no-confidence by the committee members tomorrow?

Jackson's position as chair of this important committee could have very adverse effect on the millage that the Commission is seeking.

Seemingly even Burrell would acknowledge this fact.