This blog is a companion to that previously posted entitled "Challenges Nickelson Will Face in Bid for Caddo Sheriff Seat."
Here is a list in no particular order of importance, and it is probably not totally inclusive:
1. Prator endorsement--This will give credibility to Nickelson's campaign, especially to voters who do not know Nickelson or that may have questions about him.
2. Fundraising--Nickelson should be able to generate substantiate campaign donations with his personal, legal and campaign backgrounds. Prator's endorsement will also generate big bucks for his campaign.
3. Past campaign experience--Nickelson has run a successful political campaign. Whitehorn has not.
Hatfield has been both successful and unsuccessful at the polls.
4. The Arceneaux campaign--Tom Arceneaux conducted a successful campaign against a well know black Democrat in a mayoral campaign. This is a parish campaign where the demographics are more favorable to Nickelson.
5. Race--White voters traditionally vote in higher numbers than black voters and "other voters."
6. Party--Republican candidates vote in high numbers, although they will have two candidates in Nickelson and Hatfield.
7. City Council record--As stated in the prior blog, this is two-edged sword. Nickelson co-sponsored an ordinance to stop jail sentences for small amounts of marijuana. He also established a record of being a fiscal conservative.
8. Whitehorn's CAO record--The Perkins' administration lost favor with many Shreveporters for various reasons and Whitehorn will have difficulty separating himself from any Perkins' baggage including the attempted contract award for recycling to a company with no experience or equipment.
Nickelson has many positives to offset his campaign challenges.
This blog and the prior one on challenges is not a statement of support for or against Nickelson or any of the other sheriff candidates.