As usual the KEEL Morning Show with Mike and McCarty set the media bar today with the interview of Caddo Sheriff Steve Prator and Caddo Sheriff candidate John Nickelson.
Here is a recap:
1. In answering the question of NO law enforcement experience, Nickelson said the Sheriff's job is mainly administrative. He cited his council experience working with two Shreveport police chiefs on public safety issues. He also stated that many sheriffs in the state do not have law enforcement experience, including Prator's predecessor Don Hathaway, Sr.
2. Prator confirmed that law enforcement experience not a pre-requisite, saying that the sheriff's job is similar to be a mayor's CAO. Over half of his deputies work at the Caddo Correction Center and many others work in Caddo ad valorem tax collection and in probation. Prator said approximately 10% of this staff work in law enforcement. He also said he would be happy to work as a criminal deputy for Nickelson
3. When asked why he did not have a successor(s) lined up, Prator stated one potential candidate lived in Bossier City and another in Texas. (A candidate must be a resident of the parish for one year prior to qualifying.) He also stated that he has civil and criminal deputies that are great at their particular jobs but perhaps not so as the overall supervisor of the total office.
4. Nickelson was asked about his proposed ordinance requiring guns to be locked in cars, which failed.
He said the ordinance was intended to prevent theft of guns. He stated he was NOT going to push for new gun laws, but he would strictly enforce the existing ones.
5. When asked about the friction between the Caddo DA and the Caddo Sheriff, Nickelson said some amount of tension is a good thing. He noted that the DA, the Sheriff and Caddo judges all have a role in the overall effectiveness of the criminal justice system, and he would work with these parties to improve criminal justice. Nickelson said problems must be discussed before they can be resolved. He acknowledged that constructive criticism of the criminal justice system is a good thing, and it is needed to improve the rights of the public and of those accused of crimes.
6. Prator said Nickelson had his endorsement because he believe he was the best candidate to be tough on crime and careful with taxpayer moneys. Prator is to send out a letter to those that contributed $300,000 to his campaign (this money was refunded) with his endorsement and a request that donations be made to Nickelson's campaign.
7. Nickelson stated that Caddo DA Stewart had the right to endorse Henry Whitehorn for sheriff and that was his right.
8. Nickelson pointed out that he and councilwoman Tabatha Taylor sponsored an ordinance to have fines versus jail time for small amounts of marijuana and that the Legislature has now made that a state law.
9. Nickelson said he wanted to continue the legacy of Prator.