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Ok, I get it.

Some previously approved bond issue projects have yet to be completed, much less started.

Just ask Erin McCarty about the Knight Street project which is still collecting dust.

And that is not the only one.

I also realize that any bond millages approved will be on the back of real estate owners in the City, not all the citizens.

Nonetheless Mayor Tom made many good points in his press conference this morning on his proposed Citizens Capital Improvements Committee.

Any knowledgeable citizen driving around the city must acknowledge that public safety, streets and drainage, water and sewer, and parks need improvements that are more than the city's operating budget can fund.

Additionally, some prior approved bond projects are underfunded.

The mayor's selection of Dr. Larry Clark as chair of this committee is an excellent start for the committee.

Asking each of the seven council members to nominate a committee member should ensure diverse and balance committee representation.

The mayor will also appoint four more citizens in addition to Clark.

Arceneaux has asked the council members to make their nominations by Fri. Aug. 11. He’ll still then make his selections.

The committee is expected to hold public meetings for input and to take other measures to gather information and to build consensus.

The goal is for the committee to recommend a bond package by Nov. for presentation to the Council.

The final bond package is a council decision along with calling for a bond election. The mayor wants this to be in April of next year.

The mayor wants the citizens to have a menu of bond items on the ballot for approval and he estimates the total package to be approximately $100 million.

The mayor's press conference and plans for a committee are a good start for a much-needed public discussion on the city's capital improvement needs.