The Shreveport City Council has mandated that the Shreveport Police Department at 1234 Texas Avenue be relocated into temporary locations pending the construction of three police substations and a remodeled headquarters building.
The Council is set to approve the following leases at its Dec.10 meeting:
1. South Pointe Office Building $24,838 per month
2. BRF Office Building $20,186 per month
3. WK North Market office $9,199 per month
4. Sunset Acres School building $3,000 per month
The total of these leases is $57, 253 per month. The leases have additional requirements for payment of utilities, insurance and maintenance.
This annual budget lease expense of $686,784 will grow with the lease of a fifth needed location, the costs of the moves and relocation of equipment, utilities and necessary building renovations.
The leases are for one year with month to month options at the end of the first 12 months.
A fifth building location is still being pursued. The initial selection of the closed CVS building in SW Shreveport is not viable.