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It’s a good question.

It’s important to remember that the three proposals are for the benefit of all Shreveport citizens, not just District G. But remember that District G residents go to other districts in Shreveport to work, play, shop, visit, dine, etc.

Here is a list of streets and drainage projects in and affecting District G:
1. Fair Grounds Entrance Improvements   $500,000 (Fair Grounds is in Districts G and B)
2. Bridge Improvements/replacements   $8,000,000 (In Districts G, A, B, C,)

3. Asphalt Collector Streets Reconstruction:
Pines Road-W 70th to Buncombe Road $2,900,000
Financial Plaza-Pines Road to 5900 block $3,000,000
Curtis Lane--S. Fairway to Woodland Way $1,000,000 (in Districts G, A)
Lakeshore-Grove to Mertis   $1,400,000
Pines Road--I-20 to Jefferson-Paige $3,000,000

4. Neighborhood Street Reconstruction in district --$8,300,000 (all in District G)
5. Shreve Park Access Improvements $2,500,000
6. Interstate Highway LED Lighting $7,000,000 (entire city will benefit)
7. Traffic Signal Installation $600,000 (entire city will benefit)
8. Neighborhood Drainage Projects $2,000,000

Here is a list of water and sewer project that will benefit entire city:
1. Amiss Water Plant Improvements   $20,000,000
2. Citywide Lift Station Improvements $9,000,000

The Police, Fire and SPAR bond package is $49,300,000 (entire city will benefit)
1. Public Safety $11,000,000 (entire city will benefit)

Parks $17,600.000 (entire city will benefit)
1. Swimming Poll Replacement $3,300,000 (includes Bill Cockrell Park)
2. Tennis Upgrades and Pickleball courts (in Districts G, A, B, E)
3.  Bill Cockrell Park Parking Lot $500,000

Improvements to Public Buildings $20,700,000 (entire city will benefit)

The three proposals will not result in any ad valorem tax increases until 2027 due to fact that several tax millages/bond payments will expire. Even then the increases are minimal.

There are many reasons for residents of District G to vote YES on all three bond packages.

Early voting ends Saturday, April 20 and the bond package is on the April 27 ballot.
Councilwoman Ursula Bowman has endorsed all three bond proposals.