GOHSEP is the acronym for the (Louisiana) Governor's Office of Homeland Security.
GOHSEP works with federal and state agencies in preparation, response, recovery, mitigation, and prevention of crisis events. GOHSEP assists state agencies, local authorities and eligible nonprofits identify, get, and keep federal assistance through preparedness or post-disaster grants from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and other federal agencies.
Todd Derrick, the local GOHSEP representative, addressed the Caddo Commission on Monday, April and explained the role of GOHSEP. Derrick emphasized that GOHSEP responded to natural emergencies. He stated that this agency did not deal with sociological issues in communities.
Derrick explained that GOHSEP's role was not to super plant or supervise the parish office of Homeland Security which is headed up by Robert Jump of the Caddo Sheriff's Office. Additionally, GOHSEP would only render assistance to the parish at the request of the Caddo Office of Homeland Security.
Derrick did not directly address the pending resolution to request the Governor to declare a public emergency dealing with crime in Caddo Parish. His reference to sociological issues appeared to be addressed to crime which is the basis of the pending resolution.
After several delays, this resolution is currently slated for a Commission vote on April 18. Seemingly, the public health emergency proposal is premature since the Commission has yet to have Jump appear before the Commission. At a minimum, any action by the Commission should most likely be first addressed to the Caddo Parish Sheriff.