Like all governmental bodies, the Caddo Commission must select an official journal for each fiscal year. By law, the official journal publishes meeting minutes, requests for proposals, requests for bids, delinquent taxes etc.
The Caddo Commission has for many years selected The Caddo Citizen as its official journal with the Shreveport Sun as an adjunct official journal. This means that all official journal documents are published in both of these papers.
The Caddo Citizen is owned by the Natchitoches Times. The Shreveport Sun is locally owned by the paper's founding family. Each of these papers publish weekly.
The Caddo Citizen generally has four pages of news plus pages with official journal documents The Shreveport Sun generally has 7-8 pages plus official journal documents.
The Caddo Citizen only runs news stories of events occurring in North Caddo. The Shreveport Sun covers national, state, and local stories.
All of the stories in The Caddo Citizens involve CAUCASIANS (white people).
All of the stories in The Shreveport Sun involve AFRICAN AMERICANS (black people).
The Caddo Citizens has approximately 20 locations in north Caddo that sell its papers at retail.
The Shreveport Sun has approximately 40 locations in predominantly African American areas that sell its paper at retail.
The Commission spends public dollars with The Caddo Citizen which are shared with The Shreveport Sun. These funds are critical to the economic viability of both papers.
In effect, the Caddo Commission subsidizes two racially prejudiced newspapers.