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John came to Shreveport in January of 1977 when he was transferred to Barksdale AFB.

He’s been active in Shreveport politics since deciding to make Shreveport his home.

John practiced law for 40 years and he now monitors local politics. He regularly attends Shreveport City Council and Caddo Parish Commission meetings.

John is published weekly in The Inquisitor, bi-monthly in The Forum News, and frequently in the Shreveport Times.

He enjoys addressing civic groups on local government issues and elections.



Goodness...what an unfounded outcry that seemingly is based on race versus facts. I am referring to all those that have objected to the decision by the Caddo School Board to only interview Keith Burton for Caddo School Superintendent position. Of the six candidates recommended for consideration by the superintendent headhunter search firm the only white individual was Keith Burton.

The school board's executive session on Sept. 3 gave plenty of media seekers their three minutes of fame. Unfortunately, it featured a shouting match between school board member Barry Rachel and always outspoken activist Craig Lee.

The special board meeting on Wednesday also provided a forum for Burton/board dissenters. Comments were allowed before the board interviewed Burton.

Surprisingly, one of the complainers was Roy Griggs, who seemingly is manipulated by many in local political scene. In the past Griggs has appeared as a great supporter of community causes, the most recent being the proposed Shreveport Ronald McDonald House. At least Griggs stated that he would support Burton.
And then there was Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dumb from the Shreveport City Council (Tabatha Taylor and James Green) who have insatiable appetites for media attention. Their comments were irrelevant, which is not surprising.

The plaintiffs in the lawsuit to derail the selection process also spoke ,voicing objections to Burton and the board's vote.

The lead plaintiff, who is obviously footing any legal expenses, is a felon (Roy Cary). Another one of the plaintiffs has pled guilty to a misdemeanor in Desoto Parish for election actions (Breka Peoples). The third plaintiff is a Bossier rabble rouser who lead a protest on the Caddo courthouse steps without obtaining the required permit (Amari Ho-Sang).

The constant cry is that the school board did not follow "the process." Long time school board attorney Reg Abrams has repeatedly advised that the board DID follow "the process" and that its decision to only interview Burton is totally legal. Abrams is a well-respected long time Shreveport attorney, who just happens to be an African American.

To her credit board member Jasmine Green stated on KEEL radio that she would support Burton even though she did not vote for him. Green emphasized the need for everyone to get behind Burton and get the move on improving Caddo education.

Green was on KEEL radio again this morning. She said she was "Caddo proud" from watching Burton grow professionally during his tenure with Caddo schools. She was impressed with Burton's interview. She also said she had heard, but not confirmed, that the two other candidates who scored highest after Burton had withdrawn their names.

The lawsuit filed by Cary et. al. will most likely be dismissed at the Sept. 17 hearing before Caddo judge Brady O'Callaghan. The litigation alleges that the conditions of the Request For Proposal (RFP) to hire the headhunter firm were not followed by the school board. Seemingly the plaintiff believe that the RPF contractually bound the board to take additional actions before the Burton vote and Abram's opinion is to be ignored.

O'Callaghan is a well-respected judge. Since he is white, one can unfortunately expect attacks against him couched in race overtones if he rules against the plaintiffs. Such is the MO for dissatisfied black citizens who conveniently ignore facts to wave the race card. What should be noted is that none of those appearing at either board meeting have made any meaningful contributions to the improvement of Caddo public education with the exception of Craig Lee.

It’s unfortunate that an important public body has gotten bogged down by false allegations and racial politics. But what else is new? One can only hope that soon this community will move past these issues.