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 I have supported Curtis "50 Cent" Jackson from the first day I heard he was coming to Shreveport, even though I did not know who he was until I hit Google.

I attended the massive press conference at Government Plaza when he was introduced by Mayor Tom Arceneaux to the citi­zens of Shreveport.

I have written many SETTLETALK blogs supporting Jackson that have been sent by Mailchimp to over 5,000 local citizens.

I have also had Jackson on the cover of this publication. I have written many positive columns and news stories on Jackson in this publication which is read by more than 7,500 people.

I attended the job fair at the Convention Center seeking workers for the Humor & Harmony Festival, and actually registered for jobs. And my feelings were not hurt when I did not get a job offer.

I am happy Jackson has signed a lease with the City for Millennium Studios and that he has purchased many downtown prop­erties. I knew he had a trashy building next to the parking lot he purchased downtown, and I did not write on this until after the Humor & Harmony Festival.

But I am concerned about Jackson's actions versus good intentions. I am opposed to the lease of StageWorks/Expo Hall to Jackson at this time.

Jackson is not in compliance with the Millennium lease. It is almost October, and the lease was signed early this year. A key component in the lease was definitive action at the studios within the first six months. To date, there has not been any remodeling of the facility. Nor has any TV/movie production started at the facility.

I really don't care about all the pronouncements on how many buildings Jackson wants to buy/build in the downtown area.

I don't care about announced expansion plans for Millennium programs to be instituted or employees to be trained and hired.

I don't care that Jackson, and his entourage has recently had meetings with the Mayor and council members pitching his plans, and especially with StageWorks/Expo Hall.

All that plus $5 (?) will buy you a cup of Joe at a high end coffee shop.

Just because Jackson is a famous and wealthy individual, who just happens to be black ,does not mean he gets a free pass on a contractual obligation--the Mil­lennium lease.

Just because Jackson has many national contacts and that he conducted a suc­cessful festival does not merit special consideration on complying with an important contract with the City.

And just because he has a rabid following with many Shreveport citizens and two council members does not merit special favor that may later be claimed by others who contract with the City of Shreveport.

Am I missing something? I am open to reader comments, but please leave the race card in the trash can--yours not mine.