I can hear them now--new excuses to go have a brew:
1. I learn better with beer
2. Good beer makes for good learning
3. What I learned while having a cold one
4. Tapping into knowledge with a brew
5. I only went to the brewery to learn.
6. LSUS and Great Raft Commonality--BEER!
Certainly, there will be more well-reasoned explanations for beer lovers to go to Great Raft Brewing on a Tuesday evening.
LSUS is starting a new outreach program--"Talks on Tap". Its lecture series to be held at the local brewery on Jan.21, Feb.18, Mar.18, and April 15.
These scintillating topics should pull beer lovers throughout the Ark-La-Tex to 1251 Dalzell:
"Witnesses to the Age of Revolution: The Odyssey of Jean Cahan and his Mamluk Brethren"
"Beyond Teaching: What Do Your Local University Professors Actually Do?
"Soldier, Trooper, Chair: A Leadership Journey"
"the Devil is in the Data (Along with an Angel or Two")
In addition to the free lecturers, those attending can have "food and drink" for purchase. The press release promises "captivating speeches, community engagement, and delicious cuisine." There is no mention of free Uber/Lyft rides home for those who overindulge with beer or free DWI legal representation in the release.