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By ordinance, the City of Shreveport has established a riverfront special revenue fund as an integral component of the city's economic development strategy. All funds received by the City from riverboat gaming activity is to be deposited into this fund.

The ordinance states that the "purpose of the fund shall be dedicated to the advancement of riverfront and downtown development and other economic development funds.”

In reality, this fund has become a catch-all source to fund established non-government organizations (NGOS. It also has become a piggy bank for special interests of council members.

Here are the appropriations from the 2025 fund as enacted by the Shreveport City Council:

Art Heals: $20,000
Oasis of Hope: $15,000
NW La Youth Golf & Education Foundation: $15,000
Fit for Life Ministries: $20,000
DreamKeepers: $10,000
Compassion for Lives: $10,000
MLK Health Center & Pharmacy: $10,000
MLK Community Development Corporation: $15,000
Martin Luther King Neighborhood Association: $15,000
Best 13: $15,000
Rho Omega and Friends: $10,000
Caddo Council on Aging: $15,000
CoHabitat Foundation: $10,000
Food Bank of NW Louisiana: $15,000
Volunteers for Youth Justice: $15,000
Goodwill Industries of N Louisiana: $10,000
Film Prize: $25,000
Multi Cultural Center (State Law): $200,000

This listing was compiled from information provided to the Shreveport City Council and presumably it is correct. Inquiry has been made to determine the vetting process for this funding along with any monitoring of the funds once disbursed.

Stay tuned.