Shreveport councilman Alan Jackson will have a community meeting tonight (Tues.) at A.B. Palmer Community Center at 6 p.m.
The press release states that Jackson will answer questions from his District E constituents.
Here are some suggested questions that could will be asked:
1. What is the status of the third Shreveport Police Department substation? SPD Chief Wayne Smith has announced two of the three substation locations--North Market and Monkhouse.
2. Are you opposed to the appointment of attorney Zelda Tucker as an assistant city attorney? Tucker served as the interim city attorney from Jan. 1 through June 30. Jackson voted to postpone the vote on her approval as an assistant city attorney.
3. Do you agree that 100% of the Blue Line fine money received by the City should be dedicated solely to crime prevention and detection for the first year? If not, what do you propose and why?
4. The press release on this meeting listed "parish commission collaboration." What actions should be collaborated with the parish?
5. R.J. Johnson is the council administrator. What are his duties and what specifically has Johnson assisted you with since his appointment?
6. What economic efforts have you made this year, and specifically for District E.
7. Have you endorsed a candidate for Caddo Sheriff, and if so, who did you endorse and why?