It’s a good question.
It’s important to remember that the three proposals are for the benefit of the entire city, not just District A. Also remember that residents of District A work, shop, dine, visit, play, etc. in other districts in the city.
Here is a list of streets and drainage project in and affecting District A:
1. Bridge Improvement/Replacements $8,000,000 (A, B, C, D)
2. Asphalt Collector Street Reconstruction
Curtis Lane - S. Fairway to Woodland Way (A, G)
3. Neighborhood Street Reconstruction $13,700,000 in District A
4. Interstate Highway LED Lighting $7,000,000 (entire city will benefit)
5. Traffic Signal Installation $600,000 (entire city will benefit)
6. University Park Paving and Drainage $5,000,000
7. Neighborhood Drainage Projects $2,000,000 (entire city will benefit)
8. Water and Sewer
Amiss Water Treatment Plant $20,000,000 (entire city will benefit)
9. Police and Fire Academy Renovations $4,000,000 (entire city will benefit)
10. Fire Station Renovations $3,000,000 (A, B, D)
11. Parks
Tennis Upgrades and Pickleball Courts $700,000 (A, B, E, G)
Park improvements and Upgrades $1,300,000 (A, B, C)
12. Public Buildings $20,700,000 (entire city will benefit)
The three proposals will not result in an ad valorem tax increase until 2027 due to the fact that several tax millages/bong payments will expire. Even then the increases are minimal.
There are many reasons the residents of District A should vote YES on all three bond proposals.
Early voting ends this Saturday April 20 and the bond backage is on the April 27 ballot.