A resolution to extend Shreveport's contract with Blue Line Solutions (Blue Line) is on the Shreveport City Council Agenda for its Tuesday, Feb. 25 meeting. The resolution can be adopted at the Council's March 11 meeting.
The contract extension is for Blue Line to add additional speed enforcement cameras in NON-SCHOOL ZONES. The current Blue Line contract is only for school zone cameras. It is a three year contract that became effective on November 22,2022.
Hopefully inquiry will be made by the Council on several matters concerning the proposed extension:
1. What amount of funds have been collected, in toto, for each month of the current contract and what amounts have been remitted to the City
2. Has Blue Line timely remitted monthly reports to the City as well as funds due to the City
3. What is the expected timeline for Blue Line to "perform an analysis on selected roadways to determine potential violation rates and assess the most suitable locations" for speed camera deployment as required by Para. 1, Exhibit A of the proposed contract
4. Who will provide the "selected roadways" for Blue Line to evaluate and who in the City will make the final determination on the locations for installation of speed cameras
5. Exhibit A requires Blue Line to provide one (1) radar speed sign "in school zones". Will Blue Line be required to provide a radar speed sign for the NON-SCHOOL zone speed cameras, and is one sign sufficient? Should two signs be provided to warn traffic going BOTH ways on a street that is monitored for speeding with the cameras?
6. Are the obligations of the City under the proposed contract, Exhibit B, the same as those in the current school zone contract? If not, what obligations have been changed
7. Are the services fees in Exhibit C for the contract extension the same as in the current contract? If not, what has changed?
As most citizens can remember the roll out of the school zone speed cameras was rocky at best and a disaster at worse, depending on one's perspective. The introduction of speed cameras in NON-SCHOOL zones will certainly cause angst among Shreveport drivers, the extent of which depends in large part on Blue Line.